Vijverpomp koopgids: alles wat je moet weten

Pond pump buying guide 2024: everything you need to know

Pond pumps, they come in all shapes and sizes. From small to large. Adjustable or non-adjustable. Suitable for a filter or not. Are you starting a new pond or in need of replacing your old pond pump? It can sometimes be a maze to choose the right pump for your pond. Therefore, we have written a comprehensive guide so that you know everything to choose a new pond pump. After reading this guide, you will be perfectly prepared to buy a new pond pump.

1. Importance of a good pond pump

The pond pump is the power source in your pond. It often runs 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, providing circulation and life in your pond. Without a pond pump, it is difficult to achieve this circulation. For a filter, it is essential to have a pond pump. Also when you have a waterfall, stream or fountain If you want to make it, you will need a pump as a power source.

Vijverpomp voor in vijver

Not all pond pumps are the same. You may have a pump that is too weak or too powerful. Or one that requires a lot of maintenance or breaks down quickly. Having the right pond pump is important to keep your pond balanced. Is the circulation in your filter too low? Then your pond will quickly become polluted and can even become unhealthy for your fish to live in.

It is therefore essential to a vijverpomp to choose that fits your pond and other equipment in your pond. Therefore, we have created this comprehensive guide to help you choose the best pond pump for your situation. After reading this guide.

2. Steps to choose the right pond pump

Finding the right pond pump can be a challenge, we are happy to assist you with this search. You can follow the steps below to find the right pond pump for your pond.

Determine for which functions you will use the pond pump

The pond pump is the central power source of your pond. It helps with the circulation in your pond and gets the water moving. If you are going to purchase a new pump, check what you want to use the pond pump for, for example:

  • As filter pump filter and/or UV-C device
  • If fountain pump for a fountain
  • As a waterfall pump for a waterfall
  • As a stream pump for a stream loop
  • As a skimmer pump for a skimmer and filter

You can sometimes use the pump for multiple functions. For example, you can direct the output of the pump to both a fountain and a waterfall Let it go. Check if you want this for your pond and whether it is possible in terms of distance, capacity, and setup.

Measuring & knowing the parameters of your pond

To determine the capacity of your pump, it is important to know a number of parameters in your pond. Especially for circulation in a filter pump a number of parameters are important, below is an overview of the parameters you need:

Checking other equipment in your pond

Do you have other equipment in your pond? Make sure the pump connects to this or ensure that the other equipment is replaced with the correct specifications.

  • Filter system
    Make sure your filter system's capacity matches your pond pump. A pump with too low a capacity can lead to reduced filter performance. A pump with too high a capacity can cause damage to your filter.
  • UV-c apparaat
    Just like with the filter system, ensure that the capacity of the pond pump matches your UV-C device. If this is not connected properly, your UV-C device may be damaged due to overheating or excessive pressure.
  • Fontein
    Is your pump capacity too low for the fountain? Then you won't get the beautiful fountain image you were hoping for. Is it too high? Then your fountain may get damaged or perhaps go much too high.
  • Skimmer
    A skimmer works effectively when the water is properly collected. Check the minimum and maximum capacity of the skimmer.

3. Technical specifications & features of a pond pump

Pond pumps come in all shapes and sizes. It can sometimes be complicated to find the right one for your situation. It helps to understand how these pumps differ from each other. It is important to understand the technical specifications well.

Technical specifications at a glance

We list the most important technical features for you:

  • Pump capacity
    The pump capacity (also known as flow rate) is often expressed in liters per hour (l/h) or cubic meters per hour (m3/h). The capacity determines how much water the pump can move per hour. The higher the capacity, the more water you can circulate in your pond. The pump capacity displayed often indicates the capacity under ideal conditions. Weerstand, height difference and pollution of the pump cause the capacity to decrease. So keep this in mind when choosing the right capacity.
  • Lifting height
    The lift height indicates how high the pond pump can raise the water, measured in meters. This specification is important when you want to pump water up to a waterfall or stream. The higher you pump the water, the less capacity you have left. Check the pompgrafiek to see how much net capacity you can expect to remain.
  • Energy consumption
    The energy consumption, expressed in watts, indicates how much electricity the pump uses. The lower the wattage, the more energy-efficient the pump and the lower your energy costs. When comparing energy consumption, always consider the capacity and the lift height. It may be that a pump appears low in energy consumption, but also has a very low lift height.
  • Connection sizes
    The connection dimensions indicate what size vijverslang you can connect to the pump. The narrower the diameter of the pond hose, the more capacity is lost due to friction. Check if the connection sizes match those of the pond hose you already have or the connection sizes of, for example, your filter. Connection sizes are displayed in mm or inches.
  • Setup
    Pond pumps are often placed in the water, but can sometimes also be installed outside the pond. Installing the pump outside the pond can be convenient for maintenance. Check the specifications to see if the pump can be set up both in and outside the pond.

Now you know the main specifications of a pond pump. We will now dive into other features that are important when making a purchase.

Guarantee and lifespan of a pond pump

When you buy a pump, you naturally want assurance that it will work well and for a long time. The warranty provides insight into the expected lifespan of the pump.

Legal warranty
In many countries, there are legal guarantees on a pond pump. This legal guarantee indicates that as a consumer or user of a product, you can expect it to last a reasonable amount of time.

Factory warranty
In addition to legal warranty, you have manufacturer’s warranty. This is the warranty that a brand or factory provides. If a brand offers a high warranty, you can expect that they have confidence in their product that it will last a long time. If a product becomes defective within the manufacturer’s warranty and this is demonstrable due to a product or manufacturing error, you often have the right to free repair or replacement. Check carefully what the promised warranty is at the time of purchase. This often says something about the reliability and lifespan of the pump.

Exceptions to the warranty
Exceptions to the warranty may apply. For example, consider the rotor in the pump. This is a part that is subject to wear and tear. If it breaks, you may not always be entitled to repair or replacement. Be sure to check which parts are covered by the warranty and which are not.

Repair in case of defect
It is always possible that products unexpectedly become defective. Whether or not this is covered by warranty, it is always nice to know that you can have these products repaired. Check at the time of purchase if it is possible to have the pump repaired.

Other features to consider

Besides technical specifications and warranty, there are a few other features you may want to consider.

  • Adjustable capacity
    With some pond pumps, it is possible to to regulate the capacity of the pump. This can be useful when you want to determine the output of the pump exactly, for example for a waterfall, stream, or pressure filter. The capacity can sometimes be adjusted with a knob on the pump or with a controller.
  • Dust door for dust particles
    Many pond pumps that you place in the pond come with a filter basket. This basket is designed to catch large debris such as twigs and leaves so that the pump does not get clogged or blocked. The higher the debris passage, the more dirt you can drain to your filter. The smaller the debris passage, the more the pump holds back.
  • Ease of maintenance
    Maintaining your equipment in your pond is important and can sometimes require a lot of work. It is nice when the maintenance of your pump is easy and effortless. Check carefully whether you have to do a lot of screwing or if opening products is easy. Also, look at what maintenance you need to perform for the winter and when starting up in the spring.

4. Choosing the right pond pump

With the knowledge of the right specifications and characteristics of your pond, you can search for a suitable pump.

Types of pond pumps

  • Fonteinpomp
    Suitable for use with fountain sets. Characterized by a small dirt outlet so that the fountain does not get clogged. Often supplied with various fountain attachments. Capacity must match the fountain and is often adjustable so you can perfectly tune the fountain.
  • Filterpomp
    Suitable for use as a dirty water pump to your filter. Characterized by a high capacity to circulate water well in your pond. Often has a high dirt intake so that many dirt particles are captured. Often runs 24 hours a day and all year round, so it is wise to select an energy-efficient pump.
  • Adjustable pump
    Has a control knob that allows you to adjust the capacity to the desired output. Can be used for multiple applications such as waterfall, stream, fountain, or filter.
  • Submersible pump
    Often used to pump large amounts of water away. You can submerge them in your pond to empty it and pump water out.

Matching wishes and specifications

Note down the minimum specifications you need for your pond pump. For example, make a list like the one below:

  • Pump for use in waterfall
  • Minimum (net) capacity of 2,000 liters / hour
  • Lifting height of 1 meter to waterfall
  • Arrangement in the pond
  • Connection size of 32mm hose
  • Minimum 3 years warranty
  • Pump does not need to be adjustable, but it is a plus.

With a list like this, you make it easy for yourself to filter out the right pumps.

Energy consumption and annual energy costs

To keep your pond healthy and in motion, a pump often runs 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. This can lead to high energy consumption. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the energy consumption and efficiency of the pump when purchasing. It may be that you save on the price of a pump at the time of purchase, but end up with much higher energy costs. Therefore, also consider these costs in your decision-making.

Also check out our calculator to energy costs pond pumpto calculate p.

Determine budget for purchase

Determine the maximum budget you want to spend on your pond pump. Take into account not only the purchase price but also the lifespan and energy costs of the pump. A good comparison is to calculate the price per year. You do this by calculating the expected energy costs per year and dividing the purchase price by the lifespan. For the expected lifespan, you can use the warranty period provided, for example.

Selection guide for choosing a pond pump

You now have a good idea of how to choose the best pond pump. As you have noticed, there are quite a few factors to consider. A jumble of technical specifications and costs can sometimes make it difficult to choose the ideal pump for your situation. Therefore, we have created a selection guide to make it easy to choose the ideal pump. Based on your situation, you can easily select the best pump.

5. Replacing your old pond pump

Are you going to replace your old pond pump? Then you probably already know a few features that are good or need improvement. We

Check specifications of old pond pump

You can easily find out the specifications of your old pump by checking the nameplate. This is mandatory on your pond pump and is often stuck to the bottom. Here you can read a number of things:

  • Energy consumption (watt)
  • Capacity (liter / hour)

Can't find the nameplate or has it become unreadable? Then search online for the pump's details.

Voorbeeld typeplaatje vijverpomp

Example of a nameplate of a pump

Reducing energy costs

In recent years, most pond pumps have become more efficient. This means they can move more or the same amount of water with lower energy consumption. This is beneficial for your energy bill. It may even be worth replacing your well-functioning old pond pump with a more energy-efficient new one. Depending on your energy price, you may sometimes recoup the purchase price within a year. Calculate the savings in energy costs directly with the purchase of a new pump.

6. Discover BluGarda pond pumps

We at BluGarda have tested and selected the best pond pumps for every situation. We are always honest and transparent about the specifications of our products and are happy to help you select the best products for your situation.

Why choose BluGarda?

We believe in good and easy products. We are happy to help you as a customer to select the best products for your situation. Even if that sometimes means we have to refer you to a competitor because we do not have the product.

We give 3 years warranty On most of the products. That is longer than the legal warranty because we have extensively tested our products and believe in the reliability of these products.

Customer service and support from BluGarda

Do you need help with selection, installation, or maintenance? Or is there unexpectedly something wrong with your BluGarda product? Our customer service is happy to assist you. We have extensive knowledge in pond products.

Is a product defective? Then we are happy to help you get it working again. Sometimes a defect can even be fixed by yourself. If not, we are happy to repair it. Does this fall under warranty? Then in most cases, this is free of charge.

The pond pumps from BluGarda

We have an extensive selection of pond pumps. You can choose between fountain pumps, filter pumps, and adjustable pumps that are suitable for many different situations.

Check out our assortment below, or use the selection helper to see which product best suits your pond.

7. Ready to buy

Having the right pond pump for your pond is essential for a healthy and vibrant pond. Therefore, it is important to buy the right pump for your situation. In this guide, you have read what to look for when purchasing the right pond pump. From technical specifications such as capacity, lift height, and energy consumption to the warranty. All are important for choosing the right pump.

You are now ready to buy the right pond pump. Discover, for example, the different pond pumps from BluGarda or use our selection helper to find the right pond pump for your situation. Can't figure it out? Then contact the experts from our klantenservice and we are happy to help you on your way.

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